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Ko Pango rāua ko Puki
Tēnā, takahia te ara tūhura i te taha o te tokorua nei, o Pango rāua ko Puki. Ko te tumanako ka whakaoho ēnei kōrero i te ngākau hihiri, i te ngākau tūhura i roto i a koutou!
Come on a journey with Pango and Puki as they explore ancient stories handed down from the ancestors. May it inspire you to follow your own pathway of discovery!

He rauemi matarua
He pukapuka, he kōnae ororongo anō hoki kia pai tā koutou pānui, kia pai hoki tā koutou whakarongo ki ngā pūrākau whakamiharo nei i ngā reo e rua.
This resource also comes with a USB with audio book versions of the stories so you can read or listen to the story in both Māori and English languages.

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